If you have an accident on your route through the USA
even if you were not guilty.
VERY IMPORTANT: TAKE PHOTOS AND VIDEO of the entire accident scene of material damage and especially of the affected people with their possible injuries. (This information will be requested later for follow-up)
Follow these steps when you have an accident:
STOP, turn on your warning lights or put up your signs and CALL 911 to get the necessary help (ambulance, police, etc.)
COLLECT AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE about the other vehicle involved (driver’s name, telephone number, plates, serial number -last 4 digits-, etc.).
If there were WITNESSES to what happened, also collect their versions of what happened that they have seen and collect their contact information.
Take note of THE LOCATION where the accident occurred (street, road, city or county, etc.).
DO NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY. Discussions about who is guilty are not productive at the accident site.
If the POLICE come, ask for a copy of the REPORT and confirm its number.
IMMEDIATELY CALL one of the ATTENTION NUMBERS AT CLAIMS and REPORT what happened (attention 24 hours a day, 7 days a week):
TOLL-FREE CALL within the US
LONG DISTANCE within the US (from Mexico, dial)
Or online in the next website: Report a Claim (you will need your policy number)
If a voicemail answers, leave all this information recorded along with your policy number and contact information (phone, email, etc.).
To provide care appropriate to your case, we ask that all the information you provide us be TRUE AND ACCURATE.